Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ryan Goes to Bootcamp

WOW! What an experience?!?
I am sitting in my hotel room after 11-12 straight hours of listening to presenters and networking with some of the best minds in the fitness industry. That was just today.

Yesterday, I got up after just a few hours of sleep and put in probably 15 hours of presentations and networking. It was a blast. I met some great people and I had a great time. Oh, and I also learned a few things while I was here.

I want to talk about my bootcamp experience and how I think this is the type of atmosphere we are going to have at Force Fitness and Performance. There were so many levels of people here, guys that make 6 and 7 figures a month, guys that have 2 clients, coaches, trainers, business owners, internet marketers, you name it in the fitness world and they were here. The energy was incredible and every single person was amazing.

This is exactly what we want Force Fitness to be! We will have people new to exercise, high level athletes, moms, doctors, business owners, and anyone else that wants to believe in our programs and get great results. The atmosphere is going to be amazing. You won't have any choice but to excel in your health and fitness.

We will soon be releasing our website and our pre-registration program. I hope that you all are as excited to get this rolling as I am.

See you very soon,


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