Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trainer vs Coach

I want to give you a little insight on the difference between trainers and coaches in the fitness industry. I can tell you that there are a lot of trainers out there that you can go to and you may or may not get any results. I can also tell you that there are very few quality coaches our there that will guarantee your results.

A trainer does the following:
1) Stands around and counts reps
2) Puts you an a machine and looks at clipboard
3) Hopes that your workout will get results
4) Gives you a program that has very little thought behind it
5) Doesn't continue their education
6) Uses the easiest method possible to give you a workout

A GOOD coach does the following:
1) Is prepared with a thought out program specific to your needs
2) Coaches your movements and has progressions for each movement
3) Knows that you will get results from the program if you follow the program
4) Continually educates themselves and seeks out education
5) Can make changes on the spot to fit a program to your needs
6) Sincerely wants you to succeed
7) Uses the most effective method and tools possible to get you results

If you come to Force Fitness and Performance and think you are coming for personal training, I hate to break it to you, but you are sadly mistaken. You will get quality coaching at Force Fitness.

We are different than the rest of the industry. We are striving to seperate ourselves from being a typical personal training business and be a quality coaching program. We offer a 100% money back guarantee on our services. We beleive that our training systems will work, in fact we know that our systems will work. If they don't, take us up on the offer and ask for your money back. If we can't get you results we didn't earn your money.

We hope that you feel like you are getting something more than just personal training at Force Fitness. We hope that you receive an experience at Force Fitness and Performance.

Be Force Fit


P.S Check out the video of the equipment set up we did at Force.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are really going all out!! The facility looks like it's coming together great. Nice blog posts as well.